2019DEC17 Past Events 2020 Asan Geopolitical Outlook Tags : Asan geopolitical outlook, denuclearization, emerging security, Europe, Japan, Korean Peninsula, Middle East, Neo Geopolitics, populism, Russia, security alliance, sessesion, trump administration, WTO
2014JUL22 Issue Briefs Towards a Framework for Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Challenges and Opportunities By J. James Kim, Park Jiyoung, Choi Hyeonjung Efforts need to be made to address energy security cooperation at the regional level. Tags : Regional Issue
2014JAN22 Past Events Science and Technology to Prevent and Respond to CBRN Disasters: U.S. and … Asan-American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) joint workshop on CBRN disasters.
2013JUN26 Past Events Richard Weitz, "U.S. Missile Defense and Its Implications for China, … 34th Dosirak Series with Experts with Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis at the Hudson Institute. Tags : Asan Dosirak Series, Asian implications, BMD, China, DPRK, Hudson Institute, Japan, MD, Northeast Asia, Richard Weitz, ROK, Russia, US
2013FEB20 Past Events John L. Casti, “A World in Crisis: Fukushima to the Eurozone” 30th Asan Dosirak Series with Experts with John L. Casti, co-founder of The X-Center. Tags : Asan Dosirak Series, crisis, Eurozone, extreme incidents, Fukushima, John L. Casti, policy making, The X-Center, X-events