Asan Plenum


Panel: Maritime Security Grand (BallroomⅠ)
Date/Time: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 / 14:00-15:15
Talking Points for: Shin Chang-Hoon, The Asan Institute for Policy Studies

The traditional concept of maritime security has focus on the issue of how to protect sea lines of communication (SLOC) from piracy and armed robbery. However, recently new challenges to maritime security have urged our international community to devise cooperative tools that are responsive to the challenges. As a moderator, after briefing on the traditional and new challenges to maritime security, I would like to raise the possible areas of cooperation in overcoming the challenges for the sake of our discussion at this panel.

1. Traditional Challenge to Maritime Security

-Piracy and armed robbery

2. New Challenges to Maritime Security

-Maritime terrorism
-Territorial disputes over maritime features such as islands, islets and low-tide elevations
-Marine resources and Maritime delimitation after the advent of the EEZ regime
-Concept of extended continental shelf
-National, regional and international security interests
-SLOC used as a major route for proliferation of WMD

3. Areas of cooperation

-International treaties, ISPS code and other codes of conducts or memorandum for combatting maritime terrorism
-Joint development of marine resources, pending final resolution of territorial disputes or maritime delimitation
-Regional counter-proliferation network
-Cooperation for regional peace and security