Asan in the News

[Báo Hà Tĩnh] 2020-07-29

Triển vọng về Thượng đỉnh Mỹ – Triều: Tưởng nhiều, hóa ít

About Experts

Park Won Gon
Park Won Gon

Visiting Research Fellow

Professor Park Won Gon is Visiting Research Fellow at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies. He completed courses at Yonsei University in Korea and received a bachelor's degree in political science from Southwest Baptist University in U.S. Then, he obtained a master's degree in political science from Boston College. He received a doctorate in the Department of International Relations from Seoul National University. From 1995 to 2013, Professor Park worked as a research fellow of the Center for Security and Strategy at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses. He is currently a professor of International Studies of the School of International Studies, Languages, and Literature at Handong Global University, where he joined in 2013. Professor Park has served as a member of the Policy Advisory Board at the National Intelligence Service, Ministry of National Unification, and Ministry of National Defense. Currently, he serves as a member of the Policy Advisory Board at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His most recent publications in the past 3 years include "Changes in US-China Relations and Korea’s Strategy: Security Perspective," (2019); “Trump Administration’s External Policy and Indo-Pacific Strategy” (2019); “Carter’s Human Right Policy and ROK-US Relations” (2019); “Roadmap for Future ROK-US Alliance” (2018); co-author, “Analysis of Trump Administration’s Security and Defense Policy and its implication for ROK-US Alliance” (2017); co-author, “New US Administration’s Defense Strategy: 3rd Offset Strategy” (2017).