2012AUG19 Issue Briefs Varieties of Capitalism Revisited: The Continued Relevance of Western Capitalism (Korean) By Jang Ji-Hyang The Western model of capitalism remains relevant for developing and developed countries alike.
2012JUL16 Past Events Asan Middle East Dialogue 2012: Qatar and Israel Meetings, roundtables, conferences, and presentations in Qatar and Israel. Tags : Asan Middle East Dialogue, Israel, Qatar
2012JUN26 Past Events “The ‘Second Middle East Boom’ and the Search for South Korea’s … Roundtable examining the causes, characteristics, and potential consequences of the rapidly growing economic ties between South Korea and the Middle East. Tags : Arab Spring, Asan Roundtable, economic relationship, GCC, MENA, Middle East Boom, Middle East Strategy
2012MAR11 Issue Briefs Oil Price Stability Expected Despite the Iranian Crisis: Iran Striving for Depoliticized OPEC By Jang Ji-Hyang, Peter K. Lee International oil prices are likely to stabilize in the long-term owing to the cooperation-inducing systems within OPEC. Tags : economy, Iran, Oil, OPEC, sanctions
2011APR14 Past Events “The Socio-Political Analysis of Argentina’s Economic Decline” Research Project, “The Socio-Political Analysis o […] Tags : Argentina, development, economic decline, social welfare, socio-political analysis, welfare state