Asan Plenum

Session: Plenary Session 3
Date/Time: April 28, 2015 / 17:00-18:15

Philip Stephens, Financial Times

Chung Jae-Ho, Seoul National University
Jia Qingguo, Peking University
Eric Li, Chengwei Capital
Douglas H. Paal, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Evans Revere, Albright Stonebridge Group


Panel Description

“China and the United States are global economic partners, but it is the United States that leads the world.” Those words were not by an American politician but Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang at a recent economic forum. Indeed, talk of the rise of China and the “G-2” era of Sino-American bipolarity has quietly receded in recent years. While the Chinese economy will soon overtake the U.S. in aggregate terms, doubts remain as to a Chinese-led international order. Meanwhile, the two countries have both tried to cast relations in a new light, including signing a landmark climate change agreement. Does China still seek to challenge the U.S. for global leadership? Did it ever? How can the two accommodate each other in the emerging new world order?