Asan Plenum

Mr. Crail has been a research analyst on nuclear and missile proliferation at the Arms Control Association (ACA) since 2007. Prior to that, he worked as a research assistant with the Center for Nonproliferation Studies and as a consultant for the UN Department for Disarmament Affairs. At the association, he is responsible for monitoring, researching, and reporting on weapons of mass destruction developments in the Middle East, South Asia, and Northeast Asia, as well as developments at the IAEA. Now his primary area of research includes international non-proliferation regimes, counter-proliferation, Iran, and North Korea. In addition to regularly authoring news articles on proliferation-related issues for ACA`s monthly journal, Arms Control Today, he has published policy analysis and commentary in national newspapers and peer-reviewed journals such as the Nonproliferation Review,World Politics Review, and the Christian Science Monitor.