event BI

Asan North Korea Conference

Sept. 16, 2013 – The Asan Institute for Policy Studies to Host Asan North Korea Conference

Seoul, South Korea – The Asan Institute will host the Asan North Korea Conference 2013 on September 25(Wed.) – 26(Thurs.) at the institute.

The Conference will bring together leading experts and scholars on North Korean issues including its nuclear capability, external relations and the North Korean regime.

High-level key speakers include:

  • Bruce Bennett, RAND Corporation
  • Scott Snyder, Council on Foreign Relations
  • Chu Shulong, Tsinghua University
  • Noboru Yamaguchi, National Defense Academy of Japan
  • William Newcomb, United Nations


The two-day conference consists of 8 sessions. Four sessions on Day 1 will discuss on topics such as, “North Korea’s Nuclear Capability,” “Nuclear Strategy and Deterrence,” “International Coordination on North Korea,” and “Smart Sanctions.” The second day will examine “The State of the North Korean Regime,” “North Korea’s External Relations,” “The State of the North Korean Economy,” and “Long Term Scenarios.”

For R.S.V.P, please email:

Communications Department (communications@asaninst.org)

For more information, please contact:

  • (Ms.) Sungyeon Kim : 82 10 8867 0767
  • (Ms.) Kahye Oh : 82 10 4599 8620


*Please be advised that Press Badges will be available at the Press Registration Desk.

About the Asan Institute for Policy Studies

The Asan Institute for Policy Studies is an independent think tank that provides innovative policy solutions and spearheads public discourse on the core issues in Korea, East Asia and the world. Our goal is to assist policymakers to make better informed and mutually beneficial policy decisions. The Asan Institute, established in 2008, has successfully hosted a series of international conferences including the Asan Plenum, the Asan China Forum and the Asan Nuclear Forum and published a number of books such as China’s Foreign Policy, Japan in Crisis and The Arab Spring.