Asan Plenum

A. How Can Leadership Save the Eurozone?

The Eurozone’s economies have struggled to respond to the ongoing crisis, yet their response has proved unable to halt the Eurozone’s continued slide into the economic doldrums. This panel will discuss the role of leadership in addressing the crisis and take stock of European-level efforts to manage or reverse its effects. What accounts for the European Union’s indecisiveness in putting its struggling economies back on track? Will the governance reform measures agreed upon at the European Council in December 2011 be sufficient to update its crisis prevention and management mechanism? Will Germany, as the Eurozone’s largest economy, rise to the challenge and be able to lead Europe out of its worst crisis in six decades of integration?

B.EU Migration Policy after the Arab Spring: Searching for Domestic and Foreign Policy Coherence

The uprisings in the Arab world have exposed critical weaknesses and exacerbated long-held disagreements within the European Union related to asylum, immigration, and external border control policy at a time when Europe’s deepening economic crisis has witnessed increasing anti-immigrant rhetoric and the rise of right-wing populist parties. This panel will explore the impact of the Arab Spring on the EU’s migration and border policy, both internally (e.g. for the EU’s border free Schengen area), and externally as Europe attempts to put in place a more coherent and comprehensive ‘Global Approach to Migration’, including with the countries of the Southern Mediterranean region.