2013JUL02 Past Events “President Park’s Southeast Asia Policy” Asan-ROK MOFA joint closed workshop. Tags : ARF, ASEAN, Asia-Pacific, correspondents, Korean Peninsula, MOFA, multilateral security cooperation, workshop
2012OCT31 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 32] Regional Efforts to Advance Democracy and Human Rights in Asia: APID, the PG20, and a Possible GGAIN1 By. Donald K. Emmerson Mongolia is the 2011-2013 chair of the Community of Dem […] Tags : APDP (Asia Pacific Democracy Partnership), APID (Asian Partnership Initiative for Democracy), BDF (Bali Democracy Forum), democracy, Donald Emmerson, human rights, Mongolia
2012APR26 Past Events Asan Plenum 2012: Leadership The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted the Asan P […] Tags : Asan Plenum, Asan Plenum 2012, leadership, Shin Chang-Hoon, Woo Jung-Yeop
2012APR16 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No.24] The 20th ASEAN Summit: Time Is of the Essence By. Jonathan T. Chow On April 3, 2012, the 20th Summit of the Association of […] Tags : ASEAN, Cambodia, Economic Community, Jonathan Chow, Myanmar, South China Sea, Summit, Vietnam
2012MAR09 Past Events Europe’s Foreign Policy toward Northeast Asia The 17th ASAN Roundtable on “Europe’s Forei […] Tags : Asan Roundtable, Benjamin Hautecouverture, China, Christian Lechervy, engagement strategy, Europe, foreign policy, Francois Godement, Korean Peninsula, Lee Moosung, non-proliferation, Northeast Asia, proliferation, WMD
2012FEB13 Past Events Strengthening Democracy in Asia: New Strategies for Regional Partnerships Topic: Strengthening Democracy in Asia: New Strategies […] Tags : Asia, democracy, governance, regional partnerships
2011DEC19 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 16] Next Steps with North Korea and the Six-Party Talks By. Ralph A. Cossa Are the Six-Party Talks, ostensibly aimed at bringing a […] Tags : DPRK, North Korea, Pacific Forum CSIS, Ralph Cossa, Six Party Talks