2024MAY14 Blog/Op-ed [Asan Plenum 2024] Welcoming Remarks By Chung Mong Joon Chung Mong Joon, Founder & Honorary Chairman Tags : “Sunshine Policy”, denuclearization, Future of Asia, GDP, Korean Peninsula, North Korea’s nuclear weapon, ROK-U.S. Alliance, UN
2024MAY13 Blog/Op-ed [The Chosun Ilbo Op-ed] Trump and the ROK-U.S. Alliance (May 13) By Choi Kang CHOI Kang, President Tags : Cold War, defense cost-sharing, North Korea, ROK-U.S. Alliance, South Korea, Trump, U.S.-China strategic rivalry
2023NOV10 Blog/Op-ed [The Chosun Ilbo Op-ed] We Need to Beware the Return of ‘America First’ (November 10) By Choi Kang CHOI Kang, President Tags : "Spirit of Camp David", A2AD, America, Freedom Caucus, NATO, ROK-U.S. Alliance, THAAD, Trump, USFK
2023OCT30 Publications Options for Strengthening ROK Nuclear Assurance Asan-RAND Joint Report Tags : China, Joe Biden, NATO, NCG, North Korea, NPT, RAND, ROK, ROK-U.S. Alliance, U.S.
2023MAR31 Past Events Asan Roundtable with the Delegation of the U.S. National War College Tags : North Korea’s tactical nuclear weapons, ROK-U.S. Alliance, Security, U.S. extended deterrence, U.S. National War College
2022DEC08 Past Events Asan Roundtable with the Delegation of the National Committee on American … Tags : Indo-Pacific, NCAFP, North Korea, ROK-U.S. Alliance
2022SEP20 Past Events Asan Roundtable with the Faculty Delegation of the U.S. Air War College Tags : ASEAN, China, ROK, ROK-U.S. Alliance, U.S. Air War College
2021OCT25 Blog/Op-ed [The Chosun Ilbo Op-ed] North Korea Policy of the U.S. and South Korea’s Role (October 18) By Choi Kang CHOI Kang, Vice President(Acting President) Tags : “Three No’s”, Afghanistan, Biden Administration, Missile Defense, NATO, North Korea policy, ROK-U.S. Alliance, U.S.
2019OCT07 Past Events Asan Roundtable with the Congressional Chiefs of Staff of the United States Tags : Asan Roundtable, denuclearization, GSOMIA, Past Events, ROK-U.S. Alliance
2019SEP25 Past Events Asan Seminar with the delegation of India Army War College Tags : Asan Seminar, India Army War College, Korea Briefing, North Korea’s Nuclear, ROK-U.S. Alliance