Past Events


On Wednesday, March 12, 2014, the ASEAN and Oceania Studies Program hosted a visit by Min. Thant Kyaw, Deputy Foreign Minister of Myanmar. The closed roundtable included senior foreign ministry officials from Myanmar and was hosted by Dr. Choi Kang, Vice President of the Asan Institute.

Date / Time: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 / 10:00-11:00 am
Venue: Conference Room (2F), The Asan Institute for Policy Studies


Ministry of Foreign affairs, Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Mr. Thant Kyaw, Deputy Minister
Kyaw Zeya, Deputy Director, General Political Department
Chan Aye, Desk Officer, Political Department

Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in the Republic of Korea

Myo Thant, Pe/Charge d’ Affaires a.i.
Kyaw Thu Naing, Second Secretary

Asan Institute for Policy Studies

Choi Kang, Vice President
Leif-Eric Easley, Research Fellow of Center for Foreign Policy and National Security
Lee Jaehyon, Research Fellow of Center for Regional Studies