2019DEC17 Past Events 2020 Asan Geopolitical Outlook Tags : Asan geopolitical outlook, denuclearization, emerging security, Europe, Japan, Korean Peninsula, Middle East, Neo Geopolitics, populism, Russia, security alliance, sessesion, trump administration, WTO
2017MAY22 Asan Korea Perspective Asan Korea Perspective Vol.2 No.11 (2017.05.08 – 2017.05.21) Telephone Diplomacy after the South Korean Presi […] Tags : Asan Korea Perspective
2014JAN06 Asan in the News Jang Ji-Hyang [Arirang TV – After 10] “Outlook of the Middle East in … By Jang Ji-Hyang Dr. Jang Ji-Hyang discusses the 2014 outlook for the Middle East on Arirang TV's After 10. Tags : arirang, Egypt, Iran, Middle East, Syria
2013DEC19 Past Events Hamid Alawadhi, “The Future of the Arab Spring” Closed roundtable with Hamid Alawadhi, Dean of the Diplomatic Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yemen.
2013JUL30 Asan in the News Jang Ji-Hyang [Arirang TV] “Are We Approaching an ‘Arab … By Jang Ji-Hyang Dr. Jang Ji-Hyang discusses the setbacks since the Arab Spring two years ago and the future of democratization … Tags : Arab Spring, Egypt, protests, Syria
2013MAR26 Past Events Jang Ji-Hyang, “Algeria and North Africa after the Arab Spring” Dr. Jang Ji-Hyang speaks at a seminar hosted by the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Tags : algeria, korcham, North Africa
2012DEC05 Asan in the News [Munhwa Ilbo] “The Confusion that Accompanies Democratization .. Korea is a Model for Egypt” ress coverage of the Asan-American University in Cairo joint conference in Cairo, Dec. 5, 2012.
2012DEC05 Past Events “The Arab Spring and Korean Experiences of Political Transition” Conference in Cairo co-hosted by Asan and the American University in Cairo. Tags : American University in Cairo, Arab Spring, democracy
2012DEC04 Books The Arab Spring: Will It Lead to Democratic Transitions? By Jang Ji-Hyang Jang Ji-Hyang and Clement Henry (eds.), The Arab Spring: Will It Lead to Democratic Transitions? Tags : Regional Issue