2012DEC16 Issue Briefs Eurasia’s Historic Continentalist Transition: Implications for the Broader World By Kent E. Calder The engagement of free-market democracies will be crucial in discouraging perverse continentalist configurations from dominating … Tags : energy, Eurasia, export, import, Kent Calder, new Continentalism, Oil
2012DEC16 Issue Briefs ‘Bulging Ideas’: Making Korea’s Public Diplomacy Work By Nicholas CULL What are the guidelines for developing effective public diplomacy? Tags : economy, Nicholas Cull, public diplomacy, Smart Power
2012DEC12 Past Events Book Launch for No Exit The Asan Institue for Policy Studies hosted a book […] Tags : Brookings Institute, international security, John L. Thornton China Center, Jonathan Pollack, Korean Peninsula, No Exit, North Korea, nuclear technology, nuclear weapons, political-military development
2012DEC11 Past Events Asan China Forum 2012: “China in Transition” An annual gathering of over 150 leading China experts and policy analysts from around the world. Tags : Asan China Forum, China, China in transition, political transition
2012DEC09 Past Events Press Briefing for the Foreign Correspondents The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted a press br […] Tags : FCC, foreign correspondents, press briefing, Press Center, ROK presidential election
2012DEC08 Past Events Asan Middle East Dialogue 2012: Jordan, UAE, Iran, and Turkey Meetings, roundtables, conferences, and presentations in Jordan, UAE, Iran, and Turkey. Tags : ACSIS, Asan Middle East Dialogue, ECSSR, EDAM, Iran, Jordan, Korea-Middle East Cooperation Forum, Korea-Turkey Cooperation Dialogue, Turkey, UAE, WMD
2012DEC06 Asan in the News [Munhwa Ilbo] “Korea Should Share Its ‘Democratization Experience’ with the Middle East” Press coverage of the Asan-American University in Cairo joint conference in Cairo, Dec. 5, 2012.
2012DEC06 Past Events [Book Launch] The Arab Spring: Will It Lead to Democratic Transitions? Cairo book launch for The Arab Spring: Will It Lead to Democratic Transitions? (Jang Ji-Hyang & Clement Henry eds.) Tags : Arab Spring, book launch, Cairo
2012DEC05 Asan in the News [Munhwa Ilbo] “The Confusion that Accompanies Democratization .. Korea is a Model for Egypt” ress coverage of the Asan-American University in Cairo joint conference in Cairo, Dec. 5, 2012.
2012DEC05 Past Events “The Arab Spring and Korean Experiences of Political Transition” Conference in Cairo co-hosted by Asan and the American University in Cairo. Tags : American University in Cairo, Arab Spring, democracy