
Nuclear Spent Fuel and Waste Management

Session: Grand Ballroom 1
Date/Time: February 19, 2013 / 14:00-15:15

Moderator: Thomas Isaacs, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory


Jacob Dalnoki, Veress James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies
Philippe Gillet, AREVA
Song Myung Jae, Korea Radioactive Management Corporation
Jack Spencer, The Heritage Foundation

Rapporteur: Robert Kim, Center for Strategic and International Studies

Press Release Brief

1. A policy of reprocessing or recycling does not remove the need for a final waste repository.

2. A market-based approach with government regulation, where waste producers are responsible for waste disposal, is a possible approach for waste management.

3. Public outreach, transparency, and trust are crucial for any solution to the back-end of the fuel cycle.

4. International recycling facilities are another possible approach for resolving the problem of accumulating waste and help to resolve proliferation issues.

5. The problem with a repository is not scientific or technical, the problem with waste storage is social and political.