Past Events


Asan Washington Forum 2013

The Asan Institute for Policy Studies held the inaugural Asan Washington Forum on June 24-25, 2013 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C. This year marks the sixtieth anniversary of the signing of the ROK-US Mutual Defense Treaty as well as the Korean War Armistice. The Republic of Korea and the United States of America share a remarkable history forged over decades of shared struggles and triumphs. This year’s forum is a celebration as well as a retrospective on the alliance under the theme, “The Enduring Alliance: The 60th Anniversary of ROK-US Relations,” while also looking ahead to what the future holds in store. It featured many of the most distinguished and pivotal figures in Korean and American public affairs, including former US Secretaries of State, Defense Secretaries, Commanders of the US Forces Korea, as well as former and current Senators and Congressmen. Korean participants will include members of the National Assembly, former Foreign Ministers, and Ambassadors to the US.


Participants List


Speech Transcripts and Summaries
(June 24)


Opening Ceremony  

– Opening Remarks by Dr. Chung Mong Joon, Honorary Chairman of the Asan Institute

– Keynote Speech by Richard Cheney, Former Vice President of the United States



– Lunch Dedicated to Korean War Veterans 

○ Short remarks by Robert Garcia, Former U.S. State Representative (D-NY)

 Speech by John Warner, Former US Senator (R-VA)

 Short Remarks by Ahn Ho-young, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the United States


Gala Dinner

 Speech by Madeleine K. Albright, Former Secretary of State of the United States


Session Sketches

Day 1: June 24

– [Session 1] Sixty Years of the Alliance

– [Session 2] The Alliance and North Korea


– [Session 3] The Future of the Alliance

– [Session 4] The Alliance and the Future of East Asia

Day 2: June 25

– [Session 1] The Ambassadors’ Dialogue: Challenges for the Alliance 


– [Session 2] Public Opinion: Alliance, Security, Nukes


– [Session 3] Dealing with a Nuclear North Korea


– [Session 4] Dealing with a Nuclear North Korea’s Human Rights


– [Session 5] The Virtual Alliance


– [Session 6] Korea between US and China

Session Videos

Day 1: June 24

– Opening Ceremony

– [Session 1] Sixty Years of the Alliance

– Lunch dedicated to Korean War Veterans

– [Session 2] The Alliance and North Korea

– [Session 3] The Future of the Alliance

– [Session 4] The Alliance and the Future of East Asia

– Gala Dinner 

 Speech by Madeleine K. Albright 


Day 2: June 25

– [Session 1] The Ambassadors’ Dialogue: Challenges for the Alliance 

– [Session 2] Public Opinion: Alliance, Security, Nukes

– [Session 3] Dealing with a Nuclear North Korea

– [Session 4] Dealing with a Nuclear North Korea’s Human Rights

– [Session 5] The Virtual Alliance