Asan in the News

The Asan Institute for Policy Studies conducted a public opinion poll on Saturday, November 27, 2010, in the immediate aftermath of North Korea’s deadly artillery attack on South Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island on November 23. The main purpose of this poll is to track any changes in job approval ratings of President Lee Myung-bak that may be attributed to this artillery attack and North Korea’s recent revelation of its uranium enrichment facility. It is to be noted that President Lee’s job approval ratings had been on the rise recently following South Korea’s successful hosting of the G-20 summit. This poll investigates South Korea’s public opinion regarding the Lee administration’s handling of the latest crisis and the administration’s subsequent policy responses.

[조선일보] 2010-12-02

[투데이코리아] 2010-11-30

(This article is in Korean.)

[PD저널, 사회] 2010-11-30

(This article is in Korean.)

[충청일보, 정치] 2010-11-30

(This article is in Korean.)

[뉴시스] 2010-11-30

(This article is in Korean.)

[서울신문] 2010-11-30

(This article is in Korean.)

(This article is in Korean.)

(This article is in Korean.)

[한국일보] 2010-11-30

재발땐전면전막되군사력동원” 40% 최다

(This article is in Korean.)

[데일리안] 2010-11-29

국민 43% “´북핵개발책임´ DJ-노무현때문”

(This article is in Korean.)

[머니투데이] 2010-11-29


(This article is in Korean.)

[노컷뉴스] 2010-11-29

MB 지지율하락세…연평도도발대응미숙때문

(This article is in Korean.)

[뷰스앤뉴스] 2010-11-29

60% 넘었다던 MB 지지율 ‘수직추락’

(This article is in Korean.)

[조선일보] 2010-11-29

국민 65% “정부, 연평도대응잘못했다”..햇볕정책복귀도반대

(This article is in Korean.)

[연합뉴스] 2010-11-29

국민 65%, 현대북정책유지해야

(This article is in Korean.)

[YTN] 2010-11-29

국민 65%, 현대북정책유지해야”

(This article is in Korean.)

[파이낸셜 뉴스] 2010-11-29

국민 33%, ‘전쟁불사’군사대응해야”

(This article is in Korean.)

[조선일보] 2010-11-29

[대한민국이공격당했다] 천안함때와확달라진여론

(This article is in Korean.)

[민중의 소리] 2010-11-29

전쟁불가론 65.2%…”어떤경우라도전쟁발생은피해야”

(This article is in Korean.)

[The Korea Herald] 2010-11-29

More S. Koreans harden against N.K. after island attack: survey

[Arirang News] 2010-11-29

65% of S. Koreans Support Pres. Lee’s N. Korea Policy

[The Straits Times] 2010-11-29

SKorea ‘should have hit harder’

(This article is in Japanese.)