Past Events


On Monday, June 24, 2013, the Asan Institute for Policy Studies held the 34th Asan Dosirak Series with Experts with Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis at the Hudson Institute.

Amid escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula following North Korea’s third nuclear test and long-range missile tests, U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced last March that the Obama administration would seek to strengthen its BMD program.

In a presentation titled, “The U.S. Missile Defense Program and Its Asian Implications – for China, Japan, and the Koreas,” Dr. Weitz discussed the latest developments in the United States’ ballistic missile defense (BMD) program and how it is being received across Northeast Asia. Dr. Weitz outlined the role that key BMD partners such as Korea and Japan are playing in the program’s expansion as well as the responses from neighboring states such as China and Russia. He also discussed some potential implications of the program’s deployment for the Korean Peninsula, East Asia, and the wider region.

Date / Time: Monday, June 24, 2013 / 10:30AM-1:00PM

Place: Conference Room (2F), The Asan Institute for Policy Studies