2020JUN03 Asan in the News [The Kyunghyang Shinmun] Joining an Expanded G7: An Opportunity to Enhance International Status, But a Difficult Road to Find Balance Between the U.S. and China By Choi Kang [The Kyunghyang Shinmun] 2020-06-03 Joining an Expanded […]
2020JUN03 Asan in the News [The Hankyoreh] [News analysis] Navigating a new world order By Park Won Gon [The Hankyoreh] 2020-06-03 [News analysis] Navigating a […]
2020JUN02 Asan in the News [The Korea Times] G7 participation poses double-edged sword By Park Won Gon [The Korea Times] 2020-06-02 G7 participation poses dou […]
2020JUN02 Asan in the News [經濟日報] 川普邀韓參與G7峰會 青瓦台視為躋身主要國家契機 By Choi Kang [經濟日報] 2020-06-02 川普邀韓參與G7峰會 青瓦台視為躋身主要國家契機
2020JUN01 Asan in the News [Korea JoongAng Daily] 「韓国、米中双方から浮気者のレッテル…毒を持つフグになる戦略を」(1) By J. James Kim [Korea JoongAng Daily] 2020-06-01 「韓国、米中双方から浮気者のレッテル…毒を […]
2020JUN01 Asan in the News [Korea JoongAng Daily] 習近平訪韓かG7会議参加か…米中衝突の中「秋ジレンマ」に陥った韓国 By J. James Kim [Korea JoongAng Daily] 2020-06-01 習近平訪韓かG7会議参加か…米中衝突の中「 […]
2020JUN01 Asan in the News [The Hankyoreh] Trump indicates he will invite S. Korea to G7 summit in Washington this September By Park Won Gon [The Hankyoreh] 2020-06-01 Trump indicates he will invi […]
2020MAY31 Asan in the News [The Korea Herald] Trump invites S. Korea to expanded G-7 By Choi Kang [The Korea Herald] 2020-05-31 Trump invites S. Korea to […]
2020MAY31 Asan in the News [The Korea Times] Corruption allegations may tarnish 30 years of ‘comfort women’ movement By Park Won Gon [The Korea Times] 2020-05-31 Corruption allegations may […]
2020MAY31 Asan in the News [The Korea Times] ROK-US disagree on exercises; OPCON transition may be delayed By Park Won Gon [The Korea Times] 2020-05-31 ROK-US disagree on exercis […]