2015JUN24 Asan in the News [The New Yorker] How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea By Hahm Chaibong [The New Yorker] 2015.06.24 How the Talmud Became a Bes […]
2015JUN23 Asan in the News [Council on Foreign Relations] Japan-South Korea Relations on the Fiftieth Anniversary of Normalization [Council on Foreign Relations] 2015.06.23 Japan-South K […]
2015JUN23 Asan in the News [Forbes] A New Dawn or a False Start in Japan-South Korea Relations? [Forbes] 2015.06.23 A New Dawn or a False Start in Japa […]
2015JUN23 Asan in the News [The Mainichi] South Korea’s President Park signals move to improve ties with Japan [The Mainich] 2015.06.23 South Korea’s President […]
2015JUN22 Asan in the News [VOA] US Allies Japan, S. Korea Mark Treaty Anniversary By Kim Jiyoon [VOA] 2015.06.22 US Allies Japan, S. Korea Mark Treaty […]
2015JUN22 Asan in the News [South China Morning Post] Japan and South Korea search for elusive silver lining in bitter historical row [South China Morning Post] 2015.06.22 Japan and South K […]
2015JUN22 Asan in the News [ABCe] La sequía del siglo agrava la miseria en Corea del Norte By Go Myong-Hyun [ABCe] 2015.06.22 La sequía del siglo agrava la miseria […]