2012DEC20 Asan in the News South Korea elects Park first female president [The Sydney Morning Herald] 2012-12-21 South Korea elec […]
2012DEC19 Asan in the News [Al Jazeera] Profile: South Korea’s Park Geun-hye [Al Jazeera] 2012-12-20 Profile: South Korea’s Park Geu […]
2012DEC19 Asan in the News [The Courier] Tight race in South Korea poll [The Courier] 2012-12-20 Tight race in South Korea poll
2012DEC19 Asan in the News [The Wall Street Journal] How Did Park Win? A Breakdown [The Wall Street Journal] 2012-12-20 How Did Park Win? […]
2012DEC19 Asan in the News [The Sydney Morning Herald] Korean rivals battle voter apathy [The Sydney Morning Herald] 2012-12-20 Korean rivals ba […]
2012DEC19 Asan in the News [Eurasia Review] “China In Transition”: An Opportunity Or Obstacle For The Asia [Eurasia Review ] 2012-12-19 “China In Transition” […]
2012DEC19 Asan in the News [AFP] SKorea election: Live Report [AFP] 2012-12-19 SKorea election: Live Report
2012DEC19 Asan in the News [CNN] North Korea holds little sway in South Korea’s election [CNN] 2012-12-19 North Korea holds little sway in South […]
2012DEC19 Asan in the News Profile: South Korea's Park Geun-hye [AlJazeera] 2012-12-20 Profile: South Korea’s Par […]
2012DEC19 Asan in the News Tight race in South Korea poll [The Courier] 2012-12-20 Tight race in South Korea poll