2012MAR06 Asan in the News Olmert: Young people prefer fair reward to welfare, Persson: Free welfare society is world without challenge″ [Chosun Ilbo] 2012-03-07 Olmert: Young people pr […]
2012FEB28 Asan in the News ″Judgement against party in power″ Will the ruling party fall victim again? [Chosun Ilbo] 2012-2-29 ″Judgement against party in pow […]
2012FEB19 Asan in the News [The Korea Herald] Parties rely more on star figures than policies [The Korea Herald] 2012-02-20 Parties rely more on star […]
2012FEB19 Asan in the News Korea’s Master Plan for Investing in China [The Financial News] 2012-02-20 Korea’s Master Pl […]
2012FEB19 Asan in the News Parties rely more on star figures than policies [Korea Herald] 2012-02-20 Parties rely more on star fig […]
2012FEB15 Asan in the News [Voice of America] S. Korean President Issues Warning to North [Voice of America] 2013-02-19 S. Korean President Issue […]
2012FEB13 Asan in the News [The Korea Herald] [VOICE] Does Confucianism have a role in Korea today? [The Korea Herald ] 2012-2-13 [VOICE] Does Confuci […]
2012FEB13 Asan in the News [The Korea Times] ’Madam President’ a real possibility in ’year of woman’ [The Korea Times] 2012-02-13 ‘Madam President’ a real p […]
2012FEB13 Asan in the News [The Korea Herald] Does Confucianism have a place in modern Korea? [The Korea Herald] 2012-02-13 Does Confucianism have a […]
2012FEB12 Asan in the News ’Madam President’ a real possibility in 'year of woman’ [THE KOREA TIMES] 2012-02-13 ‘Madam PresidentR […]