2022OCT14 Asan in the News [The Korea Tiems] What’s behind North Korea’s rising belligerence? By Go Myong-Hyun [The Korea Tiems] 2022-10-14 What’s behind North […]
2022OCT14 Asan in the News [CNA] Military expert Uk Yang on rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula By Yang Uk [CNA] 2022-10-14 Military expert Uk Yang on rising tens […]
2022OCT12 Asan in the News [每日新聞] ミサイル多様、迎撃困難 北朝鮮、発射時間・場所分散 By Yang Uk [每日新聞] 2022-10-12 ミサイル多様、迎撃困難 北朝鮮、発射時間・場所分散
2022OCT11 Asan in the News [The Korea Herald] Yoon criticizes NK provocations, stresses military cooperation with Japan By Choi Eunmi [The Korea Herald] 2022-10-11 Yoon criticizes NK provoc […]
2022OCT11 Asan in the News [NK NEWS] North Korea’s lake-launched missile complicates Seoul’s defense plans: Experts [NK NEWS] 2022-10-11 North Korea’s lake-launched missil […]
2022OCT10 Asan in the News [The Korea Times] North Korea raises stakes with ‘tactical nuclear’ drills By Go Myong-Hyun [The Korea Times] 2022-10-10 North Korea raises stakes […]
2022OCT10 Asan in the News [CNA] Commentary: South Korea is reconsidering nuclearisation in response to North Korea [CNA] 2022-10-10 Commentary: South Korea is reconsideri […]
2022OCT08 Asan in the News [Al Jazeera] What’s behind North Korea’s latest missile tests? I Inside Story By Yang Uk [Al Jazeera] 2022-10-08 What’s behind North Korea […]
2022OCT07 Asan in the News [BNN Bloomberg] Kim Jong Un’s Silence as Missiles Fly Shows Shift in Strategy By J. James Kim [BNN Bloomberg] 2022-10-07 Kim Jong Un’s Silence as Mis […]
2022OCT05 Asan in the News [Arirang TV] Up to what level will North Korea escalate its provocations? What should S. Korea and the U.S. do? By Go Myong-Hyun [Arirang TV] 2022-10-05 Up to what level will North Kor […]