5865 |
[The Korea Herald] Kishida’s ‘heartache’ draws mixed reactions |
May 08, 2023 |
5864 |
[아리랑TV] S. Korea-Japan Summit and return to direct diplomacy after 12 years |
May 08, 2023 |
download |
5863 |
[NHK] 韓国政府 日韓関係改善を加速へ 国内では岸田首相の発言に注目 |
May 07, 2023 |
5862 |
[CNA] Historical disputes loom large over Japan PM Fumio Kishida’s trip to Seoul |
May 07, 2023 |
5861 |
[AFP] Tokyo and Seoul try to bury historical hatchet, hailing ‘new future’ for ties |
May 07, 2023 |
5860 |
[Phoenix Satellite TV] 學者: 韓日領土歷史問題無阻兩國關係發展 |
May 05, 2023 |
5859 |
[The Economist] America’s closest Indo-Pacific allies are cosying up |
May 04, 2023 |
5858 |
[ANN] A week after summit with Biden, Yoon to meet Kishida in Seoul |
May 03, 2023 |
5857 |
[The Korea Times] Kishida eyes return visit to Seoul to gain upper hand in trilateral ties |
May 01, 2023 |
5856 |
[VOA] 南韓保守派在美韓峰會後對“核枷鎖”感到失望 |
May 01, 2023 |