2021NOV25 Issue Briefs Japan’s 2021 General Election and the Second Kishida Cabinet: Why did Japan … By Choi Eunmi [Issue Brief Executive Summary] Choi Eunmi Tags : Akira Amari, Fumio Kishida, Korea-Japan relations, LDP, Toshimitsu Motegi, Yoshimasa Hayashi
2021NOV11 Issue Briefs The Return of the Taliban and the Revival of Jihadist Extremism By Jang Ji-Hyang [Issue Brief Executive Summary] Jang Ji-Hyang Tags : Afghanistan, Al Qaeda, IS, Jihadist, Kabul, NATO, RSM, Taliban, U.S.
2021OCT26 Issue Briefs The Inauguration of the Kishida Cabinet and Prospects for Korea-Japan Relations By Choi Eunmi [Issue Brief Executive Summary] Choi Eunmi Tags : COVID-19, GSOMIA, Kishida, Korea-Japan relations, LDP, security policy, Shinzo Abe, Taro Aso, Yoshihide Suga
2021OCT21 Issue Briefs Understanding the Correlation between Climate Change and the COVID-19 Pandemic … By Choi Hyeonjung [Issue Brief Executive Summary] Choi Hyeonjung Tags : Climate Change, COVID-19, EID, MERS, Pandemic, Zoonosis
2021SEP24 Issue Briefs The 2021 Iranian Presidential Election and Its Aftermath By Jang Ji-Hyang, PARK Hyondo [Issue Brief Executive Summary] Jang Ji-Hyang, PARK Hyondo Tags : 2021 Iranian Presidential Election, Ebrahim Raisi, Electoral Authoritarianism, Iran's Hard-line President
2021AUG27 Issue Briefs Biden’s North Korea Policy : Alliance Transformation before Denuclearization By Go Myong-Hyun [Issue Brief] Go Myong-hyun Tags : “strategic patience”, alliance, Asia-Pacific, Biden, denuclearization, North Korea, Six Party Talks, trump administration, US-ROK summit
2021AUG10 Issue Briefs Kim Jong Un’s Policy Plans in the Revision of the KWP Rules: Continued Goal … By Cha Du Hyeogn [Issue Brief Executive Summary] Cha Du Hyeogn Tags : 8th KWP Congress, Byungjin, COVID-19, Kim Jong-un, KWP Rules, North Korea, South Korea
2021JUL23 Issue Briefs Uncovering a Global Reputation: The ROK’s Stabilization Policy and … By Jang Ji-Hyang, Joseph A. Kéchichian [Issue Brief] Jang Ji-Hyang, Joseph A. Kéchichian Tags : anti-ISIS, construction, ISIS, MENA, middle power policy, MIKTA, North Africa, ROK, UAE
2021JUL14 Issue Briefs The Perils of Openness? South Korea’s Quarantine Exemption for Chinese … By Lee Dong Gyu [Issue Brief Executive Summary] Lee Dong Gyu Tags : Chinese Vaccines, COVID-19, MFDS, Sinopharm, Sinovac, South Korea, US-China vaccine competition, WHO
2021JUL14 Issue Briefs The Outlook for US-China Relationship after the Anchorage High-Level Meeting: … By Chung Kuyoun [Issue Brief Executive Summary] Chung Kuyoun Tags : Anchorage High-Level Meeting, ASEAN, China, COVID-19, NATO, Quad, ROK, U.S., US-China Relations, Xi Jinping