A new Korean studies center opened in Santiago, Chile, on December 10th 2014. Chilean-Korean Study Center Program (ChKSCP) of the University of Santiago of Chile is funded by the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) and the Korean Studies Program Services (KSPS), and the Asan Institute for Policy Studies is a proud academic partner of the newly inaugurated center for Korean studies.
The opening ceremony was marked by the speeches by Dr. Juan Manuel Zolezzi, the president of the University of Santiago of Chile (USACH), Mr. Yu, Ji-eun, the honorable Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Chile, and the director of the center, Dr. César Ross.
The president Zolezzi stated that ChKSCP “will produce remarkable academic outcomes for the cooperation and development policies between Korean and Chilean universities.” The Ambassador Yu highlighted that “we need more academic and cultural efforts to promote the understanding between two countries, and the inauguration of this program is a milestone that will push our commercial momentum.”
The ChKSCP, under the leadership of Dr. César Ross, will focus on four aims to promote issues related to Korea in Chile and South America:
1. Promote academic interests and historical perspectives on Korean studies to 2.Chilean academics and professionals.
3. Conduct research on the security issues in Northeast Asia from the Korean perspective.
4. Conduct research on the Korean reunification process.
5. Promote a better understanding of the role of the Korean government in technology and export promotion policies.
To achieve these aims the ChKSCP has established three courses at undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as offering opportunities for studies abroad and academic grants.
The academic and administrative staff of the center are as follows:
Dr. Cesar Ross [cesar.ross@usach.cl], director of the ChKSCP and the Doctoral Program at the Institute of Advance Studies
Dr. Rodrigo Álvarez Valdés, coordinator and researcher
Dr. Jinok Choi [ngu2015@gmail.com], researcher
Dr. Eduardo Devés [eduardo.deves@usach.cl], associated researcher
Dr. Cristián Garay [cristian.garay@usach.cl], associated researcher
Mrs. Lenisset Toro [lenissett.toro@usach.cl], administrative assistant