Past Events


Date/Time: Thursday-Friday, May 19-20, 2011/ 8:50-18:00

Place: Auditorium, The Asan Institute for Policy Studies

Topic: “Foreign Policy Making Process in China”

The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted an International Conference entitled, “China’s Foreign Policy: Who Makes it, and How is it Made?” in Seoul, Korea from May 19-20.
With the rise of China as a major economic as well as political power, it is important to gain a firmer understanding of the foreign policy making process in China, a topic that has gained increasing attention among academic and policy experts. This conference will bring together some of the best known and most respected experts on this topic from Korea, the United States, China, Japan, Australia, and Sweden.
Some of the topics to be covered include the role of key government institutions (Foreign Ministry, Party, PLA, State-owned enterprises), “NGOs”(universities, think tanks), mass media, key actors and the decision-making process on policies towards the two Koreas, and the foreign policy outlook of the “Fifth Generation” Leadership.
PARTICIPANTS (in alphabetical order)
2) BONG Youngshik (The Asan Institute for Policy Studies)
3) CHEN Ping (Global Times)
4) CHOI Kang (The Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security)
5) Thomas CHRISTENSEN (Princeton University)  
6) CHUNG Jae Ho (Seoul National University)
7) Bonnie GLASER (CSIS)
8) Francois GODEMENT (Sciences Po)
9) Avery GOLDSTEIN (University of Pennsylvania)
10) Peter Hays GRIES (University of Oklahoma)
11) HAHM Chaibong (The Asan Institute)
12) HAN Yong-Sup (Korea National Defense University)
13) HAO Yufan (University of Macau)
14) Linda JAKOBSON (Lowy Institute) 
15) KIM Heung-kyu (Sungshin Women’s University)
16) Stephanie T. KLEINE-AHLBRANDT (International Crisis Group based in Beijing)
17) LEE Tai-Hwan (Sejong Institute)
18) MO Jongryn (Yonsei University)
19) William OVERHOLT (Harvard University)
20) PAN Rui (Fudan University)
21) PAN Zhenqiang (China Foundation for International Studies)
22) Robert ROSS (Boston College)
23) Gilbert ROZMAN (Princeton University)
24) SHEN Dingli (Fudan University)
25) SHIN Chang-Hoon (The Asan Institute for Policy Studies)
26) SHIN Jung-seung (The Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security)
27) WANG Yiwei (Tongji University)
28) Quansheng ZHAO (American University)