event BI

Asan Washington Forum

Senator Lieberman (Ret) is currently Co-Chair of the American Internationalism Project at the American Enterprise Institute and recently joined the law firm of Kasowitz Benson Torres & Friedman LLP as Senior Counsel. Previously, Senator Lieberman served for 24 years in the United States Senate after first being elected in 1988. Perhaps best known as the Democratic candidate for Vice President in 2000, Senator Lieberman has established himself as a national leader—one who works across party lines to find common ground, a person who speaks his conscience and who gets things done for the good of all people in America. During his tenure, Senator Lieberman helped shape legislation in virtually every major area of public policy including national and homeland security, foreign policy, environmental protection, human rights, health care, trade, energy, cybersecurity and taxes. Earlier in his career, Senator Lieberman served for ten years in the Connecticut State Senate, including the last six as Majority Leader. He was also Connecticut’s Attorney General from 1983 to 1988. Senator Lieberman received his bachelor’s degree from Yale College and his law degree from Yale Law School.