event BI

Asan North Korea Conference

International Cooperation on North Korea Issues Outline

CHU Shulong
Institute of International Strategic and Development Studies
Tsinghua University
August 2013

North Korea has been a trouble problem, danger, and challenge in Asia for long time since the end of the WWII, and likes to remain so for relative long time in the future. The international communist, especially the countries of Republic of Korea, the U.S. and China need to strength their cooperation in dealing with North Korea.

The cooperation is not to oppose North Korea, but is to oppose the bad policies and behaviors of the regime, including its nuclear program, missile program, and provocative policies and actions threatening the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asia.

First, countries need to be firm towards North Korean nuclear program. The North has been pound of its nuclear capacities, and determines to increase the capability, and at the same time wanting the international community to accept, recognize and even respect its nuclear capacity. That is fundamental wrong, because the nuclear weapons, no matter how many it will have, neither bring more security nor greater status of the North in Asia and in the world. Its nuclerilization clearly violates North Korea’s commitment towards certain international agreement and the Six Party Talks. It tries to use the nuclear capacity to threat and blackmail the South, the U.S. and international community. Therefore, countries and the whole international community should never accept, recognize the North Korean nuclear status, should insist on the fundamental goal of denuclearization of North Korea.

The spring crisis of this year also clearly indicates that North’s missile program is equally dangerous to the peace and security of Asia and the world. Therefore, the international community should also continue its position of opposing the missile and satellite programs of the North Korea.

Other countries cannot change North Korea, including its regime and bad policies and behaviors. What the international community can do is to limit the capacity of North Korean for doing those bad things. Countries should follow the UN resolutions to punish North Korean bad behaviors, isolate it, and let the North paying high price for doing those bad things. This includes no military and military related transfer to North Korea, some embargo against it, and tries hard to avoid the North proliferating and benefiting from its nuclear and missile programs.

Countries of ROK, the U.S., China, Russia, and others should prepare for further isolation, political and economic sanctions against the North when it will make troubles again and again in the future. North Korea can continue to do what it wants to, but it has to face the situation when nobody in the world will stay with them, no normal diplomacy with other countries, nor economic aid from others.

When North Korea behaviors relatively well, the international community should engage and encourage such development. But engagement should always go with principles, conditions, and requirements. Three principles/conditions must be followed: (1) denuclearization of North Korea; (2) stop the development of its missile program; and (3) no more proactive actions against ROK and threatening peace and stability on Korean peninsula and Northeast Asia.

There should be no more Six Party Talks if the North does not make clear commitment to stop its nuclear and missile program, and the goal of denuclearization. Talks without commitment and right actions are meaningless. The international community should not help the North to have both of their nuclear and missile weapons, and at same time, the normal engagement with others of international community.

The spring crisis of the 2013 indicates the real danger that the North can cause to others and regional peace and security. This is likely to happen again and again in the future, Then the international community, especially the ROK, the U.S., China, and Russia should prepare some sorts of military contingency plan when the North makes serious trouble again. They need to think about, to consult on the crisis management, even they cannot do something together militarily.