event BI

Asan Washington Forum

As secretary of defense under President Bill Clinton, Cohen’s bipartisan leadership ensured successful military operations around the world, including Bosnia/Kosovo and Iraq. A much sought-after expert on defense, economic and international issues, he helps audiences understand the world─and its opportunities and challenges─as it will exist tomorrow. Cohen managed 3.2 million Defense Department employees around the world with a budget in excess of $300 billion. Currently chairman and CEO of The Cohen Group, a highly respected business consulting firm with an international reach, he helps navigate the complex arena where government, politics, media and business intersect to locate opportunities for investment while minimizing risk. From experience, Cohen delivers business advice for developing and implementing strategic plans, identifying and managing unforeseen risks and motivating a large workforce. Cohen shares his insight into today’s most vital issues: terrorism, international relations, national security, military preparedness, trade and global economics. Secretary Cohen also serves on the boards of the U.S. – China Business Council and the U.S – India Business Council. More information can be found at www.cohengroup.net.