2021JUL23 Issue Briefs Uncovering a Global Reputation: The ROK’s Stabilization Policy and Development Model in the Middle East and North Africa By. Jang Ji-Hyang, Joseph A. Kéchichian [Issue Brief] Jang Ji-Hyang, Joseph A. Kéchichian Tags : anti-ISIS, construction, ISIS, MENA, middle power policy, MIKTA, North Africa, ROK, UAE
2021JUL02 Issue Briefs Will China’s Middle East Policy Change? By. Lee Dong Gyu [Issue Brief Executive Summary] Lee Dong Gyu
2021MAR22 Issue Briefs Democratic Aspirations and Strategic Realignment in Biden’s Middle East Policy By. Jang Ji-Hyang [Issue Brief Executive Summary] Jang Ji-Hyang Tags : Abraham Accords, Biden’s Middle East Policy, JCPOA, leading from behind, nuclear negotiations, Summary, U.S. Middle East policy
2019SEP06 Past Events Asan Roundtable with Dr. Joseph Kéchichian, King Faisal Center for Research … Tags : Asan Roundtable, Dr. Joseph Kéchichian, King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies(KFCRIS), Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia in 2030
2019AUG28 Past Events Asan Roundtable with Sayed Ghoneim, Institute for Global Security & … Tags : Asan Roundtable, foreign policy, Institute for Global Security & Defense Affairs, Middle East, Past Events, regional security, Sayed Ghoneim
2019APR02 Past Events Asan Roundtable with Prof. Emma Sky Tags : Asan Roundtable, Emma Sky, Middle East, North Korea, Past Events
2019MAR18 Past Events A Seminar with UAE National Defense College Delegation Tags : Lecture, Past even, UAE, UAE National Defense College
2018OCT23 Past Events Asan Roundtable with the Delegation from CPR in the Israel Ministry of Foreign … Tags : Asan Roundtable, Israel, Past Events, the Delegation from CPR in the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2014APR11 Past Events Alon Levkowitz, “Korea and the Middle East: An Israeli Perspective” Closed roundtable with Alon Levkowitz, Research Fellow at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies in … Tags : Israel, Middle East
2013APR09 Past Events “Do Sanctions Work? The Iran Sanctions Regime and Implications for the … Roundtable examining the efficacy of sanctions on Iran and North Korea as well as South Korea's economic … Tags : coercive tools, efficacy, humanitarian aid, Iran, Iran sanctions regime, Korea-Iran relations, Korean Peninsula, North Korea, nuclear program, unintended consequences, UNSC