2012NOV13 Past Events NSGEG Workshop Nuclear Security Governance Experts Group “Building Int […] Tags : ACSIS, global nuclear security regime, international confidence, NSGEG, nuclear security, nuclear security governance, PGS, regime improvement, responsibility, The Stanley Foundation
2012NOV05 Issue Briefs The Significance of the 2012 US Election for South Korea By. J. James Kim An insight into how the US electoral outcome may potentially influence South Korea’s national security and/or economy. Tags : Afghanistan, China, Iran, Middle East, Obama Administration, Pakistan, Poll, presidential election, public opinion, US Budget, US policy
2012OCT31 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 32] Regional Efforts to Advance Democracy and Human Rights in Asia: APID, the PG20, and a Possible GGAIN1 By. Donald K. Emmerson Mongolia is the 2011-2013 chair of the Community of Dem […] Tags : APDP (Asia Pacific Democracy Partnership), APID (Asian Partnership Initiative for Democracy), BDF (Bali Democracy Forum), democracy, Donald Emmerson, human rights, Mongolia
2012OCT22 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 31] Ten Foreign Policy Issues for the Next South Korean Administration By. Troy Stangarone While there has been little debate on foreign policy to […] Tags : alliance, China, cooperation, Economic Policy, foreign policy, Japan, Middle East, trade, US
2012OCT21 Past Events Korean Trends 2012 The Asan Institute for Policy Studies held the Briefing […] Tags : briefing, domestic politics, Korea, Korean politics, Korean Trends, Lunds University, Sweden
2012OCT16 Past Events Northeast Asia’s Nuclear Power Prospect, Governance, and Responses to … The Asan Institute for Policy Studies and US-Korea Inst […] Tags : Conference on Nuclear Security and Safety, governance, nuclear power, nuclear security, SAIS, US-Korea Institute
2012OCT14 Past Events Future of the United States-Republic of Korea Relationship On October 15, the Korea Economic Institute, the Asan I […] Tags : Asia-Pacific, Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Korea Economic Institute, survey, US role
2012OCT07 Past Events Asan Middle East Dialogue 2012: Turkey Meetings, roundtables, conferences, and presentations in Turkey Tags : Asan Middle East Dialogue, Turkey
2012OCT03 Past Events International Trends, Transatlantic Trends The Asan Institute for Policy Studies held the As […] Tags : Asan-GMF Seminar, GMF, international trends, public opinion survey, transatlantic trend
2012SEP13 Past Events Predictions on Presidential Election based on the General Election The Asan Institute for Policy Studies held the Publishi […] Tags : General Election, Korean voters, prediction, presidential election, Publishing Commemoration Roundtable, voting behaviour