2012FEB13 Past Events Strengthening Democracy in Asia: New Strategies for Regional Partnerships Topic: Strengthening Democracy in Asia: New Strategies […] Tags : Asia, democracy, governance, regional partnerships
2011DEC19 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 16] Next Steps with North Korea and the Six-Party Talks By. Ralph A. Cossa Are the Six-Party Talks, ostensibly aimed at bringing a […] Tags : DPRK, North Korea, Pacific Forum CSIS, Ralph Cossa, Six Party Talks
2011DEC15 Issue Briefs Yellow Sea Turning Red: Darker Views of China among South Koreans By. Woo Jung-Yeop, Leif-Eric Easley Next year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishme […] Tags : China, Poll, public opinion, yellow sea
2011NOV21 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 14] 2011 Seoul Mayoral By-Election By. Kim Jiyoon, Karl Friedhoff With 48.6% of voters going to the polls, the Seoul Mayo […] Tags : GP (Grand National Party, Poll, Senuri, Seoul Mayoral Election
2011NOV09 Past Events The Seoul Mayoral Election and the Outlook for 2012 [The Seoul Mayoral Election and the outlook for 2012] D […] Tags : 10.26, casting vote, Mayoral election, non-partisans, opinion polls, outlook, political apathy, political independents, presidential election, Seoul, smart poll, surveys, Tablet PC
2011OCT17 Past Events Middle Powers and Caucusing in Global Governance: Do Middle Powers Need Their … [Asan Global Governance Conference] Date: Tuesday-Wedne […] Tags : 3G, Asan Global Governance Conference, BRICS, caucusing, competition, developed economies, emerging economies, G20, global governance, middle power
2011OCT09 Past Events [Asan Road Show] Think Tanks Conference in China: “Politics of the Korean … [Asan Road Show] Think Tanks Conference in China: “Poli […] Tags : Asan Road Show, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, China, election, foreign policy, global issues, international cooperation, national security, nationalism, public opinion, ROK, Think Tanks Conference in China, US
2011SEP07 Past Events The Viability of the North Korean Regime The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted the 1st As […] Tags : Aidan Foster-Carter, Andrei Lankov, Asan North Korea Conference, Evgeny Morozov, Go Myong-Hyun, Han Byungjin, Han Jung, Hwang Sung-jin, Jo Dong-ho, Lim Soo-ho, Liu Ming, Nicholas Eberstadt, North Korea, North Korean regime, Oh Kongdan, regime security, regime survival, Ronald Wintrobe, viability
2011AUG21 Past Events Asan Chung Ju-Yung: Korea’s Greatest Entrepreneur Seminar with HPAIR Students Topic: “Asan Chung Ju […] Tags : Asan, Chung Ju-Yung, development, economy, entrepreneur, Hahm Chaibong, heavy industries, HPAIR, Hyundai, industrial economy, Korea, philanthropy
2011JUN22 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 12] Toward the Global Norm: Supporting the Minimization of Highly Enriched Uranium in the Civilian Sector By. Miles A. Pomper Over the past three decades, the United States has led […] Tags : Belarus, Civilian, HEU (Highly Enriched Uranium), IAEA, LEU (Low Enriched Uranium), Miles Pomper, Nuclear, Nuclear Security Summit, Russia