2024SEP04 Issue Briefs Lessons from the Establishment of an Integrated Air Defense System among the United States, Israel, and Arab Countries: Common … By. Jang Ji-Hyang, Lee Heesu [Issue Brief Executive Summary] Jang Ji-Hyang, Lee Heesu Tags : Air Defense System, Arab, Israel, Israel-Hamas War, U.S. Central Command, U.S.-Israeli-Arab
2024AUG28 Blog/Op-ed [The Chosun Ilbo Op-ed] The Ulchi Freedom Shield Exercise Should Include A Training Against North Korea’s ‘Nuclear Shadow’ Provocations (August 28) By. Choi Kang CHOI Kang, President Tags : Donald Trump, KAMD, Mutually Assured Destruction, NATO, North Korea, ROK - U.S, tactical nuclear weapons, UFS
2024AUG26 Issue Briefs Europe’s Defense Revival: What’s at Stake for South Korea By. Francesca Frassineti [Issue Brief] Francesca Frassineti Tags : defense exports, Defense industry, EU-ROK strategic partnership, Europe-ROK defense engagement, NATO, Poland, ROK defense ecosystem
2024AUG07 Issue Briefs Assessing North Korea’s 2024 Provocations Against South Korea By. Han Ki-bum [Issue Brief Executive Summary] Han Ki-bum Tags : GPS jamming attacks, North Korea, ROK-Japan-China Trilateral Summit, SLBM, U.S. Presidential Election, UFS
2024JUL12 Blog/Op-ed [Gulf Times] What to make of the new Russia-N Korea alliance By. Yoon Young-kwan Yoon Young-kwan, Chairman Tags : Russia-N Korea alliance
2024JUL02 Past Events Asan Roundtable with Australian Media Delegation Tags : North Korean nuclear threat, South Korea-Australia relations, Walkley Foundation
2024JUN18 Blog/Op-ed [Munhwa Il-bo Op-ed] Putin’s Regression into Kim Jong Un’s Mouthpiece (June 18) By. Choi Kang CHOI Kang, President Tags : Kim Jong-un, North Korea, Putin, Russia, South Korea, U.S., U.S.-DPRK Geneva Agreed Framework, Ukraine, UN Security Council
2024JUN17 Blog/Op-ed [The Chosun Ilbo Op-ed] It Is Time to Establish an Asian Version of NATO (June 17) By. Choi Kang CHOI Kang, President Tags : China, East Asia, IPTO, Japan, NATO, North Korea, Nuclear Planning Group, Trump, UNSC
2024JUN07 Issue Briefs Reciprocating Trust and Reconciling Ambitions in ROK-U.S. Defense Industrial Cooperation By. Peter K. Lee, Lee Heesu [Video Issue Briefs] Peter K. Lee, Lee Heesu Tags : ‘K-defense industry’, arms exporter, Defense industry, DICAS, global arms trade, RDP, ROK-U.S. Alliance, U.S.-led allied defense industrial