

[Asan Report] North Korea’s Epic Economic Fail in International Perspective

This report brings to the table new research on the dimensions of economic failure in modern North Korea, offers a quantitative view of how nations develop in our modern world, and where North Korea’s awful slide downward fits within this global tableau; offers admittedly approximate long term estimates of overall net resource transfers to the DPRK, including estimates of net transfers from the major state benefactors; and some indications about the interplay between concessionary resource transfers from abroad and the DPRK’s domestic economic performance. It concludes with some observations about the implications of these findings


Table of Contents

• Abstract
• Introduction
• Putting the North Korean Economy’s Epic Fail into Numbers
• Global Patterns, and Determinants, of Economic Development:
Bringing the DPRK Back In
• Foreign Aid, Economic Assistance, and Net Resource Transfers from Abroad:
Estimating the Flows to the DPRK, 1960-2013
• Aid, Resource Transfers, and North Korean Economic Dependence in International Perspective
• Official Economic Assistance Recipient Governments’ Policies, and Economic Growth
• Concluding Comments and Observations
• References


About Experts

Nicholas Eberstadt
Nicholas Eberstadt

American Enterprise Institute

Nicholas Eberstadt is the Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC. Dr. Eberstadt is also the Senior Advisor to the National Bureau of Asian Research in Seattle, WA. He was also a visiting scholar at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies in Seoul. Dr. Eberstadt researches and writes extensively on economic development, foreign aid, global health, demographics, and poverty. He received his A.B., M.P.A., and Ph.D. at Harvard University.