2019DEC17 Past Events 2020 Asan Geopolitical Outlook Tags : Asan geopolitical outlook, denuclearization, emerging security, Europe, Japan, Korean Peninsula, Middle East, Neo Geopolitics, populism, Russia, security alliance, sessesion, trump administration, WTO
2013OCT07 Issue Briefs Information Sharing for Cyber-Security: Evidence from Europe By. Neil Robinson Policy-makers should take a multidisciplinary approach to understanding information exchange when responding to cyber-security. Tags : CERT, cyber attacks, cyber security, cybercrime, ENISA, Europe, information sharing, Neil Robinson, policy mechanisms, RAND Europe, Regional Issue, theoretical barriers
2012APR26 Past Events Asan Plenum 2012: Leadership The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted the Asan P […] Tags : Asan Plenum, Asan Plenum 2012, leadership, Shin Chang-Hoon, Woo Jung-Yeop
2012MAR09 Past Events Europe’s Foreign Policy toward Northeast Asia The 17th ASAN Roundtable on “Europe’s Forei […] Tags : Asan Roundtable, Benjamin Hautecouverture, China, Christian Lechervy, engagement strategy, Europe, foreign policy, Francois Godement, Korean Peninsula, Lee Moosung, non-proliferation, Northeast Asia, proliferation, WMD
2011DEC19 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 16] Next Steps with North Korea and the Six-Party Talks By. Ralph A. Cossa Are the Six-Party Talks, ostensibly aimed at bringing a […] Tags : DPRK, North Korea, Pacific Forum CSIS, Ralph Cossa, Six Party Talks
2011JUN22 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 12] Toward the Global Norm: Supporting the Minimization of Highly Enriched Uranium in the Civilian Sector By. Miles A. Pomper Over the past three decades, the United States has led […] Tags : Belarus, Civilian, HEU (Highly Enriched Uranium), IAEA, LEU (Low Enriched Uranium), Miles Pomper, Nuclear, Nuclear Security Summit, Russia