2019DEC17 Past Events 2020 Asan Geopolitical Outlook Tags : Asan geopolitical outlook, denuclearization, emerging security, Europe, Japan, Korean Peninsula, Middle East, Neo Geopolitics, populism, Russia, security alliance, sessesion, trump administration, WTO
2017SEP08 Past Events Asan Roundtable with a Delegation from Iran’s Institute for Trade … Tags : Asan Roundtable, Iran's Institute for Trade Studies and Research
2017JUN05 Asan Korea Perspective Asan Korea Perspective Vol. 2 No. 12 (2017.05.22 – 2017.06.04) President Moon’s Special Envoys On May 24, President Mo […] Tags : Asan Korea Perspective
2017MAY22 Asan Korea Perspective Asan Korea Perspective Vol.2 No.11 (2017.05.08 – 2017.05.21) Telephone Diplomacy after the South Korean Presi […] Tags : Asan Korea Perspective
2014JAN02 Issue Briefs Why North Korea 2013 Is Not East Germany 1989 By. John Feffer Certain assumptions that carry over from the East European experience of 1989 cloud the debate on North Korea’s future.
2013OCT01 Past Events Media Roundtable with Kwanhun-KPF Press Fellowship Journalists Media roundtable with participants from the Kwanhun-KPF Press Fellowship. Tags : foreign correspondents, Korean economy, Korean politics, KPF, Kwanhun, media roundtable, Press Fellowship Journalists, regional issues
2013APR17 Past Events The Economic Growth of Japan and Korea: The New Administration’s Challenges … Date/Time: Thursday-Friday, April 18-19, 2013Place: Kei […] Tags : economic growth, Japan, Keidanren Kaikan, South Korea, Tokyo
2013APR09 Issue Briefs A Perspective on Korea’s Participation in the Vietnam War By. Glenn Baek Contrary to conventional wisdom, Korea's involvement in the Vietnam War was a "war of choice." Tags : Asan Survey, Forgtotten War, Glen Baek, Global Korea, Park Chung Hee, Poll, public opinion, Regional Issue, Vietnam, Vietnam War
2012DEC20 Issue Briefs Korea’s Public Diplomacy: A New Initiative for the Future By. Ma Young Sam, Song Jung-he, Dewey E. Moore Better coordination across all functions and levels of government is needed to project a clear unified vision of Korea’s future. Tags : Global Enterprises, Global Korea, MOFAT, NGO, public diplomacy, soft power
2012NOV29 Issue Briefs No Hope Without Change: Myanmar’s Reforms and Lessons for North Korea1 By. Jonathan T. Chow, Leif-Eric Easley Does Myanmar provide a viable model for North Korea to follow? Tags : ASEAN, geopolitics, Myanmar, North Korea, reform, regional security