2019DEC17 Past Events 2020 Asan Geopolitical Outlook Tags : Asan geopolitical outlook, denuclearization, emerging security, Europe, Japan, Korean Peninsula, Middle East, Neo Geopolitics, populism, Russia, security alliance, sessesion, trump administration, WTO
2013OCT23 Past Events Asan-CIGI-ASPI-Seoul Forum Workshop Closed workshop with the Centre of International Governance Innovation, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, … Tags : Asia-Pacific, ASPI, CIGI, constructive powers, governance, non-traditional security, regional security, security challenges, security environment, Seoul Forum, structural changes
2013SEP01 Past Events “ROK and Australian Pivotal Middle Power Cooperation” Closed roundtable with Sam Gerovich, former Australian Ambassador to Korea. Tags : closed roundtable, middle power cooperation, pivotal middle power, ROK-Australia 2+2 meeting, ROK-Australia cooperation, Sam Gerovich
2013JUN27 Past Events Asan-Murdoch Commission Roundtable, “Middle Power Cooperation in the … Closed roundtable with the Murdoch Commission of Western Australia. Tags : Asia-Pacific, Asian Century, Australia, Korea-Australia relations, Korean foreign policy, middle power, middle power cooperation, Murdoch Commission of Australia, public opinion, regional security, Southeast Asia, University of Adelaide
2012JUN06 Past Events Exploring ROK-EU Security Cooperation Asan Roundtable “Exploring ROK-EU Security Cooperation” […] Tags : Asan Roundtable, Gerhard Sabathil, middle power, North Korea, ROK-EU, security cooperation, track-two dialogue
2011OCT09 Past Events [Asan Road Show] Think Tanks Conference in China: “Politics of the Korean … [Asan Road Show] Think Tanks Conference in China: “Poli […] Tags : Asan Road Show, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, China, election, foreign policy, global issues, international cooperation, national security, nationalism, public opinion, ROK, Think Tanks Conference in China, US
2010NOV09 Past Events G20 Seoul Summit: Prospects and Future Challenges The Asan Institute for Policy Studies invited Professor […] Tags : Choi Wongi, economic recovery, G20, global economic governance, global economy, Korea, renminbi, Seoul Summit
2010JUN15 Past Events Korea as an Emerging Donor The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted the 6th As […] Tags : Asan Roundtable, China, development aid, donor, foreign aid, Japan, Korea, ODA, Vietnam