2013JUN12 Past Events [Asan Book Launch] The Korean Translation of The New Continentalism: Energy … The New Continentalism: Energy and Twenty-First-Century […] Tags : Asan Book Launch, energy, Eurasian geopolitics, Kent E. Calder, new Continentalism
2013JUN09 Issue Briefs Economic Improvement in North Korea By. Go Myong-Hyun Nutritional indicators suggest that North Korea may not be the economic basket-case we imagine. Tags : Aid, economy, foreign aid, Global Acute Malnutrition, import, Malnutrition, North Korea, WHO, World Food Program
2013JUN04 Past Events Asan Transitional Justice Conference 2013 The Asan Institute for Policy Studies held a conference […] Tags : Amnesty International, Andrew Natsios, Asan Transitional Justice Conference, David Cohen, Frank Jannuzi, human rights, human rights violation, Korean unification, North Korea, post-unification Korea, Raijiv Narayan, Robert King, Roberta Cohen, Ruti Teitel, Shin Dong-hyuk, transitional justice
2013MAY29 Past Events UNSCR 1540/1874 Expert Group Meeting On Tuesday, May 21, 2013, Dr. Shin Chang-Hoon, Director […] Tags : 3rd nuclear test, Asan Daily Poll, national security, New York, North Korea, North Korean nuclear test, North Korean provocations, nuclear security, nuclear weapons program, South Korean public perception, UNSC, UNSCR 1540, UNSCR 1874
2013MAY20 Past Events Terence Roehrig, "North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program: Motivations, … 33rd Asan Dosirak Series with Experts with Terence Roehrig, Professor in National Security Affairs and Director … Tags : Asan Dosirak Series, deterrence theory, doctrine, motivation, North Korea, nuclear weapons program, nuclear weapons strategy, Terence Roehrig, US Naval War College
2013MAY19 Publications South Korea as a Responsible Nuclear Supplier CSIS-Asan Workshop on “Korea as a Responsible Nu […] Tags : Nuclear
2013MAY13 Asan in the News Jang Ji-Hyang [Chosun Weekly] “A Reputation for Consistency is Essential … By. Jang Ji-Hyang Dr. Jang Ji-Hyang offers comparative analysis of Israeli and South Korean foreign policy. Tags : deterrence, game theory, Israel, Korea
2013MAY08 Issue Briefs Managing Political Transitions in Seoul and Washington: The ROK-US 123 Agreement By. Bong Youngshik, John J. Lee Korean and American perspectives on the future of ROK-US civil nuclear cooperation. Tags : 123 Agreement, alliance, North Korea, Nuclear, Regional Issue, ROK-US
2013MAY01 Past Events "Escape From Camp 14" Book Launch The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted a book lau […] Tags : Blaine Harden, book launch, Camp 14, North Korea, political prison camps, Shin Dong-hyuk