2013JUL02 Past Events “President Park’s Southeast Asia Policy” Asan-ROK MOFA joint closed workshop. Tags : ARF, ASEAN, Asia-Pacific, correspondents, Korean Peninsula, MOFA, multilateral security cooperation, workshop
2013JUN27 Past Events Asan-Murdoch Commission Roundtable, “Middle Power Cooperation in the … Closed roundtable with the Murdoch Commission of Western Australia. Tags : Asia-Pacific, Asian Century, Australia, Korea-Australia relations, Korean foreign policy, middle power, middle power cooperation, Murdoch Commission of Australia, public opinion, regional security, Southeast Asia, University of Adelaide
2013JUN12 Past Events [Asan Book Launch] The Korean Translation of The New Continentalism: Energy … The New Continentalism: Energy and Twenty-First-Century […] Tags : Asan Book Launch, energy, Eurasian geopolitics, Kent E. Calder, new Continentalism
2013MAY26 Past Events Su Chi, “Present and Future of Cross-strait Relations” The 6th Asan China Inji Lecture with Su Chi, Chairman of the Taipei Forum and Professor at Tamkang University. Tags : Asan China Inji Lecture, cross-strait relations, Su Chi, Taipei Forum, Tamkang University
2013MAY23 Latest Activities The Asan Middle East and North Africa Program Attends the Middle East Institute (MEI)’s Annual Conference in Singapore From the violence and bloodshed in Syria to Egypt’s pre […]
2013APR09 Issue Briefs A Perspective on Korea’s Participation in the Vietnam War By. Glenn Baek Contrary to conventional wisdom, Korea's involvement in the Vietnam War was a "war of choice." Tags : Asan Survey, Forgtotten War, Glen Baek, Global Korea, Park Chung Hee, Poll, public opinion, Regional Issue, Vietnam, Vietnam War
2012NOV29 Issue Briefs No Hope Without Change: Myanmar’s Reforms and Lessons for North Korea1 By. Jonathan T. Chow, Leif-Eric Easley Does Myanmar provide a viable model for North Korea to follow? Tags : ASEAN, geopolitics, Myanmar, North Korea, reform, regional security
2012OCT31 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 32] Regional Efforts to Advance Democracy and Human Rights in Asia: APID, the PG20, and a Possible GGAIN1 By. Donald K. Emmerson Mongolia is the 2011-2013 chair of the Community of Dem […] Tags : APDP (Asia Pacific Democracy Partnership), APID (Asian Partnership Initiative for Democracy), BDF (Bali Democracy Forum), democracy, Donald Emmerson, human rights, Mongolia
2012SEP18 Issue Briefs Stressing the Linchpin: The US-ROK Alliance and ‘Rebalancing’ to Asia By. Brad Glosserman In recent years, the US-ROK alliance has scaled new hei […] Tags : alliance, Asia, Asia-Pacific Region, Brad Glosserman, CSIS, DPRK, rebalancing, Security, TPP
2012APR26 Past Events Asan Plenum 2012: Leadership The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted the Asan P […] Tags : Asan Plenum, Asan Plenum 2012, leadership, Shin Chang-Hoon, Woo Jung-Yeop