Past Events


On Wednesday, November 27, 2013, the Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted a closed roundtable titled “Myanmar’s Future: The Road Ahead for Reform and Political Engagement” with Political Advisers to the President, Myanmar.

Date/Time: Wednesday, November 27, 2013/ 09:30-11:00 am
Venue: 2F Conference Room, The Asan Institute for Policy Studies

Ko Ko Hlaing
Nay Zin Latt
Than Swe

Hahm Chaibong, President
Choi Kang, Vice President
Leif-Eric Easley, Research Fellow of Center for Foreign Policy
Kim Hankwon, Research Fellow; Director of the Center for China Policy
Lee Jaehyon, Research Fellow; Director of the Center for ASEAN and Oceania Studies