

The 2nd Asan Memorial Lecture
The Asan Memorial Lecture series was established by the Asan Institute for Policy Studies as one of its signature programs, in keeping with the Institute’s mandate to “provide innovative policy solutions and spearhead public discourse on many of the core issues that Korea, East Asia and the global community face.”
On August 19, 2010, the Asan Institute invited Michael J. Sandel, the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government at Harvard University, to deliver the Second Asan Memorial Lecture, titled “Justice: What’s the Right Thing To Do?” Over the past twenty years, Professor Sandel’s course on justice has been the most popular course at Harvard University. In this lecture, he argued that a new politics of the common good would consist of a public discussion about two fundamental questions: first, what does it mean to be a fair society? Second, what makes for a good society? The lecture reflected a deeply felt need among the Korean public for a better understanding of what it means to do the right thing and to have a more just society.