The 6th Asan Memorial Lecture
The Asan Memorial Lecture series was established by the Asan Institute for Policy Studies as one of its signature programs, in keeping with the Institute’s mandate to “provide innovative policy solutions and spearhead public discourse on many of the core issues that Korea, East Asia and the global community face.”
On October 13th, 2011, the Asan Institute for Policy Studies invited Donald Rumsfeld, former Secretary of Defense of the United States, to deliver the Sixth Asan Memorial Lecture, titled “Twenty-First Century Challenges in the Pacific and Beyond.” Mr. Rumsfeld shared his insights on the future of the United States, South Korea’s role in the world economy, China’s challenges in the coming decades, and the role of the United States in safeguarding East Asian regional security. He asserted that the United States is ready to work closely with South Korea, one of its most important allies in the Asia-Pacific, to increase prosperity and security in the region. He further declared that the United States will remain “a Pacific nation”.