Past Events


The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted the first Asan Forum on “Ways to Enhance the Competitveness of English Education in Korea and English Education Policy in Other Countries” in the 1st floor Auditorium of the Asan Institute building on April 28, 2010.

The Forum, chaired by Young Soogil, Director of National Strategy Institute, provided an opportunity for experts to exchange their views on the state of Korea’s English education. Mo Jongryn (Professor at Yonsei University) introduced cases of countries that embraced English as an official language and presented ways to adopt English as an official language in Korea, followed by an in-depth analysis of the effects of using English as an official language as well as by a discussion of how to support the expansion of English in various spheres and official institutions. The discussion featured Kim Jongok (Ministry of Knowledge Economy), Min Sun-Sik (President of YBM-sisa), Park Jun-Eon (Professor at Soongsil University), Suh, Euiho (Professor at POSTECH), and Hank Ahn (Commissioner of Invest KOREA), who provided diverse perspectives and opinions on effective English education policies in Korea.