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On July 22, the Asan Institute for Policy Studies held the 6th Asan Experts Series with Professor Zhu Feng of Peking University on “China’s Rise, Domestic Dynamics and Implications of Beijing’s Policy for the Korean Peninsula”


“China’s Rise, Domestic Dynamics and Implications of Beijing’s Policy for the Korean Peninsula”
Korea Peninsula affairs seem at juncture. Given the residential standoff of inter-Korean dialogue, restoration of the 6 Parties Talks is not a prospect in short and medium run. But stability and denuclearization remain pressing. There is growing skeptics that China factor could be arguably well-tapped. However, China has proven to be an incontestable actor in the Korea Peninsula. It’s high time to reexamine Chinese approach, and boost collaboration between Beijing and Seoul to work out momentum building in the process of stability, peace and prosperity.

Zhu Feng is a leading Chinese security expert. He received his undergraduate degree from the Department of International Politics at Peking University in 1981 and a Ph.D in 1991. He is currently a professor at Peking University’s School of International Studies and is Deputy Director of the Center for International & Strategic Studies (CISS). He is also a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Peace and Development of China.
Professor Zhu Feng has written extensively on regional security in East Asia, the nuclear issue in North Korea, American national security strategy, China-U.S. relations, and missile defense. He is on the editorial boards of several scholarly journals, consults independently for the Chinese government and the private sector, and comments frequently on Chinese foreign affairs and security policy on television, radio, and in the print media.
His recent books include Ballistic Missile Defense and International Security(Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Press, 2001), International Relations Theory and East Asian Security (Beijing: People’s University Press, 2007), and China’s Ascent: Power, Security, and Furure of International politics (co-edited with Prof. Robert S. Ross, Cornell University Press, 2008).