2013OCT02 Latest Activities Woo Jung-Yeop speaks at “EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament … By Woo Jung-Yeop Dr. Woo Jung-Yeop speaks at the Second European Union (EU) Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference. Tags : Brussels, conference, disarmament, EU, non-proliferation, North Korea, Northeast Asia
2013OCT01 Past Events Media Roundtable with Kwanhun-KPF Press Fellowship Journalists Media roundtable with participants from the Kwanhun-KPF Press Fellowship. Tags : foreign correspondents, Korean economy, Korean politics, KPF, Kwanhun, media roundtable, Press Fellowship Journalists, regional issues
2013SEP29 Past Events Asan North Korea Conference 2013 The Asan North Korea Conference 2013 was held on September 25-26, 2013. Tags : Asan North Korea Conference, international coordination, long term scenarios, North Korea, North Korean economy, North Korean regime, nuclear capability, smart sanctions
2013SEP23 Issue Briefs Budget Driven Defense: Implications of Potential Shifts in US Defense Posture for the Korean Peninsula and the Asia-Pacific in … By J. James Kim Sequestration and defense spending cuts in the US are a reality that South Korea must begin planning for. Tags : Asia-Pacific, Budget Control Act, budget driven defense, DoD, DR307, DRP2020, LPP, North Korean military capability, Regional Issue, SCMR, SMA, US defense posture, US military, USFK, YRP
2013SEP22 Past Events Rajiv Narayan, “The Human Rights Situation in North Korea and the UN … 37th Asan Dosirak Series with Rajiv Narayan, Researcher (East Asia) for Amnesty International. Tags : Amnesty International, Asan Dosirak Series, DPRK, human rights, human rights violation, North Korean human rights, Rajiv Narayan, UN, UN Commission of Inquiry
2013SEP16 Past Events Asan-Asia Foundation Seminars, “Lessons from Asia’s Economic … Co-hosted seminars between the Asan Institute for Policy Studies and the Asia Foundation in Mongolia and Vietnam, Tags : Asia, China, DAV, economic development, economic transition, Hanoi, Laos, MDRC, Mongolia, Myanmar, South Korea, Taiwan, The Asia Foundation, Ulaanbaatar, Vietnam
2013SEP12 Past Events Viorel Isticioaia Budura, Managing Director for Asia and the Pacific, European … Closed Roundtable with Viorel Isticioaia Budura, Managing Director for Asia and the Pacific, European External Action Service Tags : closed roundtable, Delegation of the EU to the ROK, East Asia, EEAS, EU, Korean Peninsula, Viorel Isticioaia Budura
2013SEP05 Issue Briefs Middle East Q&A: Intervening in Syria and Lessons for North Korea By Jang Ji-Hyang, Peter K. Lee South Korea should begin planning for North Korean collapse scenarios that may resemble the Syrian civil war. Tags : Bashar al-Assad, chemical weapons, civil war, contingency planning, humanitarian assistance, humanitarian intervention, international anti-Assad coalition, Middle East, Regional Issue, responsible global actor, Syria
2013SEP02 Past Events US-ROK-Japan Extended Deterrence Trilateral Joint workshop between the Asan Institute and Pacific Forum CSIS. Tags : balance of power, China, extended deterrence, military reform, national defense posture, North Korea, reassurance, regional stability, strategic perspectives, trilateral dialogue, trilateral relations, US-ROK-Japan relations
2013SEP01 Past Events “ROK and Australian Pivotal Middle Power Cooperation” Closed roundtable with Sam Gerovich, former Australian Ambassador to Korea. Tags : closed roundtable, middle power cooperation, pivotal middle power, ROK-Australia 2+2 meeting, ROK-Australia cooperation, Sam Gerovich