2013JUL12 Asan in the News Jang Ji-Hyang [Arirang TV] “Crisis in Egypt: Analysis” By Jang Ji-Hyang Dr. Jang Ji-Hyang discusses the July 2 overthrow of Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi. Tags : Egypt, military, Muslim Brotherhood
2013JUL11 Past Events Asan Cold War Liberalism Project: Maruyama Masao Part of the Asan Cold War Liberalism Project Tags : Asan Cold War Liberalism Project, book launch, Chiba University, civil society, Cold War Liberalism, conference, democracy, East Asia, fascism, international politics, Kobayashi Masaya, liberalism, liberalist, Maruyama Masao, socially active intellectual, subjectivity
2013JUL11 Past Events NSGEG Workshop, “Influencing the Outcomes of the 2014 Nuclear Security … Joint workshop between the Asan Institute, the Partnership for Global Security, and the Stanley Foundation in Vienna, Austria. Tags : 2014 Nuclear Security Summit, Austria, communication strategy, hard governance, NSGEG, nuclear security governance, PGS, soft governance, The Stanley Foundation, Vienna
2013JUL09 Issue Briefs Middle East Q&A: Egypt’s 2013 Coup and the Demise of Democracy By Jang Ji-Hyang, Peter K. Lee The Egyptian people have sold their hard-won democracy in exchange for temporary relief from economic frustration. Tags : 2013 coup, Egypt, Egyptian democracy, Egyptian politics, Middle East, Mohamed Morsi, Muslim Brotherhood, North Africa, Regional Issue, regional security
2013JUL08 Asan in the News [Seoul Shinmun] “Differences between the Egyptian crisis and the … By Jang Ji-Hyang Dr. Jang Ji-Hyang explains the role of the military in Egypt and its impact on the Arab uprisings. Tags : Arab Spring, Egypt, military
2013JUL04 Issue Briefs Time to Address North Korea’s Prison Labor Camps By Roberta Cohen The U.S. and South Korea must end the exceptionalism accorded North Korea in the human rights area. Tags : Commission of Inquiry, North Korea, North Korean human rights violation, prison labor camps, Roberta Cohen, The Brookings Institution
2013JUL03 Past Events Mostafa Dolatyar, “Iran’s Strategic Choices” Closed Roundtable with Mostafa Dolatyar, Director General of the Institute for Political and International Studies (Iran). Tags : Institute for Political and International Studies, Iran, Iran's foregin relations, Mostafa Dolatyar, nuclear program, regional security outlook, Syria, Syrian crisis
2013JUL02 Past Events “President Park’s Southeast Asia Policy” Asan-ROK MOFA joint closed workshop. Tags : ARF, ASEAN, Asia-Pacific, correspondents, Korean Peninsula, MOFA, multilateral security cooperation, workshop
2013JUL01 Latest Activities Luncheon with United States Institute of Peace (USIP) President <Luncheon with United States Institute of Peace (USI […]
2013JUL01 Past Events ACUNS(Academic Council on the United Nations System): Leadership in Global … ACUNS(Academic Council on the United Nations System): L […] Tags : ACUNS, G-20, global economy, global governance, global power shift, leadership, Lund University, regime building, Sweden