2013MAY01 Past Events "Escape From Camp 14" Book Launch The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted a book lau […] Tags : Blaine Harden, book launch, Camp 14, North Korea, political prison camps, Shin Dong-hyuk
2013APR30 Past Events Asan Plenum 2013 "New World Disorder" The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted the Asan P […] Tags : Asan Plenum, ASEAN, Asian capitalism, China, cyber security, democracy, East Asia, economic crisis, economic regionalism, G-20, global capitalism, history issues, human security, leadership deficit, maritime security, New World Disorder, North Korea, nuclear security, Post-Arab Spring, post-crisis party systems, refugees, ROK-US Alliance, Syria, trade disputes, US pivot
2013APR22 Past Events Bill Gates, “Korea’s Global Giving” Closed roundtable with Bill Gates, co-chair and trustee of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Tags : Asan Leader's Roundtable, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates, development assistance, foreign aid, global giving, Korean leadership
2013APR17 Past Events The Economic Growth of Japan and Korea: The New Administration’s Challenges … Date/Time: Thursday-Friday, April 18-19, 2013Place: Kei […] Tags : economic growth, Japan, Keidanren Kaikan, South Korea, Tokyo
2013APR11 Past Events Gerald L. Curtis, “Japan’s Politics and Foreign Policy Under the Abe … 32nd Asan Dosirak Series with Gerald L. Curtis, the Burgess Professor of Political Science at Columbia University. Tags : Abenomics, Asan Dosirak Series, Columbia University, foreign policy, Gerald L. Curtis, Japan, Japanese politics, Korea-Japan bilateral relations, Korea-Japan-US relations, Shinzo Abe
2013APR09 Issue Briefs A Perspective on Korea’s Participation in the Vietnam War By Glenn Baek Contrary to conventional wisdom, Korea's involvement in the Vietnam War was a "war of choice." Tags : Asan Survey, Forgtotten War, Glen Baek, Global Korea, Park Chung Hee, Poll, public opinion, Regional Issue, Vietnam, Vietnam War
2013APR09 Past Events “Do Sanctions Work? The Iran Sanctions Regime and Implications for the … Roundtable examining the efficacy of sanctions on Iran and North Korea as well as South Korea's economic interests in Iran. Tags : coercive tools, efficacy, humanitarian aid, Iran, Iran sanctions regime, Korea-Iran relations, Korean Peninsula, North Korea, nuclear program, unintended consequences, UNSC
2013MAR27 Issue Briefs X-Events and Social Processes How Human Systems Collapse-and Are Reborn By John Casti Human-caused events leading to great social damage should be seen as being as much an opportunity as a problem. Tags : Assmilation, Complexity, Fukushima, Japan, John Casti, X-events
2013MAR26 Past Events Jang Ji-Hyang, “Algeria and North Africa after the Arab Spring” Dr. Jang Ji-Hyang speaks at a seminar hosted by the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Tags : algeria, korcham, North Africa
2013MAR25 Past Events Asan Conference on Myanmar and North Korea The Asan Institute for Policy Studies (President Hahm C […]