2011NOV30 Past Events Polish-German Relations Since 1945: A Source of Inspiration for Future … [Polish-German Relations Since 1945: A Source of Inspir […] Tags : compensations, historical legacies, Korean-Japanese Relations, Polish-German relations, political rapproachment, reconciliation, war reparations
2011NOV29 Past Events Jennifer Lind, ″The Collapse of North Korea: Military Missions and … 12th Asan Dosirak Series with Jennifer Lind, Assistant Professor of Government at Dartmouth College Tags : Asan Dosirak Series, contingency, Jennifer Lind, military stability operations, North Korea, post-collapse scenario, regime collapse
2011NOV28 Past Events David W. Brady, ″The Future of American Conservatism″ On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 David W. Brady, Depu […] Tags : American Conservatism, Asan Distinguished Speaker Series, congressional decision making, David W. Brady, political history, US election
2011NOV13 Past Events Japan in Crisis: What Will It Take for Japan to Rise Again? [Asan Japan Conference] “Japan in Crisis: What Wi […] Tags : Asan Japan Conference, crisis, Japan, normal state
2011NOV09 Past Events The Seoul Mayoral Election and the Outlook for 2012 [The Seoul Mayoral Election and the outlook for 2012] D […] Tags : 10.26, casting vote, Mayoral election, non-partisans, opinion polls, outlook, political apathy, political independents, presidential election, Seoul, smart poll, surveys, Tablet PC
2011NOV09 Past Events Bruce Bennett, ″Some Practical Considerations in Nuclear Deterrence of North … 11th Asan Dosirak Series with Bruce Bennett, Senior Defense Analyst at the RAND Corporation. Tags : Asan Dosirak Series, asymmetric threats, Bruce Bennett, deterrence by denial, Lecture, North Korea, nuclear deterrence, nuclear weapons
2011NOV06 Past Events Lisa Anderson, “The Arab Uprisings: Opportunities and Challenges” Asan Distinguished Speaker Series by Lisa Anderson, President of the American University in Cairo. Tags : Arab uprisings, Asan Distinguished Speaker Series, Egypt, Egyptian uprising, Lisa Anderson, Middle East, North Africa
2011NOV03 Past Events Asan Middle East Conference 2011 Full videos, conference sketches, and more. Tags : Al Qaeda, Arab Spring, Arang Keshavarzian, Asan Middle East Conference, Bassam Haddad, civil society, Clement M. Henry, democracy, development, Diederik Vandewalle, Eva Bellin, Fawaz A. Gerges, Israel-Palestine Conflict, Jang Ji Hyang, Kemal Kirisci, Lisa Anderson, Michael C. Hudson, Middle East, Mohamed Kerrou, political Islam, political transition, rentier states, Robert P. Parks, Rogue states, social networks, Steven Heydemann, Uzi Rabi
2011NOV02 Past Events Fawaz A. Gerges, “Arab Revolutions in the Making: Internal, Regional and … On November 3 Fawaz A. Gerges, professor of Middle East […] Tags : Arab Revolutions, Asan Distinguished Speaker Series, Fawaz Gerges, internal implications, international implications, regional implications
2011OCT31 Past Events Nuclear Crisis in Northeast Asia Conference Sketch Nuclear Crisis in Northeast Asia Octo […] Tags : 3S, Asan Nuclear Forum, ballistic missile programs, denuclearization, extended deterrence, Fukushima, Korean Peninsula, North Korea, Northeast Asia, nuclear safety, nuclear umbrella, nuclear weapons, sanctions, trilateral cooperation, WMD