2012OCT22 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 31] Ten Foreign Policy Issues for the Next South Korean Administration By Troy Stangarone While there has been little debate on foreign policy to […] Tags : alliance, China, cooperation, Economic Policy, foreign policy, Japan, Middle East, trade, US
2012OCT21 Past Events Korean Trends 2012 The Asan Institute for Policy Studies held the Briefing […] Tags : briefing, domestic politics, Korea, Korean politics, Korean Trends, Lunds University, Sweden
2012SEP13 Past Events Predictions on Presidential Election based on the General Election The Asan Institute for Policy Studies held the Publishi […] Tags : General Election, Korean voters, prediction, presidential election, Publishing Commemoration Roundtable, voting behaviour
2012MAY07 Past Events Gordon Flake, "Responding to North Korean Challenges during 2012: A Year … 16th Asan Dosirak Series with L. Gordon Flake, Executive Director of The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation. Tags : Asan Dosirak Series, Gordon Flake, North Korea, North Korea policy, North Korean Challenges, Northeast Asia, political transition
2011NOV21 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 14] 2011 Seoul Mayoral By-Election By Kim Jiyoon, Karl Friedhoff With 48.6% of voters going to the polls, the Seoul Mayo […] Tags : GP (Grand National Party, Poll, Senuri, Seoul Mayoral Election
2011NOV09 Past Events The Seoul Mayoral Election and the Outlook for 2012 [The Seoul Mayoral Election and the outlook for 2012] D […] Tags : 10.26, casting vote, Mayoral election, non-partisans, opinion polls, outlook, political apathy, political independents, presidential election, Seoul, smart poll, surveys, Tablet PC
2011OCT09 Past Events [Asan Road Show] Think Tanks Conference in China: “Politics of the Korean … [Asan Road Show] Think Tanks Conference in China: “Poli […] Tags : Asan Road Show, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy, China, election, foreign policy, global issues, international cooperation, national security, nationalism, public opinion, ROK, Think Tanks Conference in China, US
2011SEP07 Past Events The Viability of the North Korean Regime The Asan Institute for Policy Studies hosted the 1st As […] Tags : Aidan Foster-Carter, Andrei Lankov, Asan North Korea Conference, Evgeny Morozov, Go Myong-Hyun, Han Byungjin, Han Jung, Hwang Sung-jin, Jo Dong-ho, Lim Soo-ho, Liu Ming, Nicholas Eberstadt, North Korea, North Korean regime, Oh Kongdan, regime security, regime survival, Ronald Wintrobe, viability
2011MAY25 Issue Briefs Analysis of the 4.27 Special Election Results and the 2012 Presidential Election By Kim Jiyoon The special election held on April 27, 2011 to fill 38 […] Tags : April Special Election, Bundang, Democratic Party (DP), Gimhae, Grand National Party (GNP, Korean politics, Park Geun-hye, People's Participation Party (PPP), presidential election, Saenuri)
2010NOV14 Past Events Policy on Female Immigrants The Asan Institute for Policy Studies invited Professor […] Tags : Asan Roundtable, ethnicity, female immigrants, France, immigrants, Japan, Korea, policy, Russia, Scandinavia, social integration, socialization