2012DEC08 Past Events Asan Middle East Dialogue 2012: Jordan, UAE, Iran, and Turkey Meetings, roundtables, conferences, and presentations in Jordan, UAE, Iran, and Turkey. Tags : ACSIS, Asan Middle East Dialogue, ECSSR, EDAM, Iran, Jordan, Korea-Middle East Cooperation Forum, Korea-Turkey Cooperation Dialogue, Turkey, UAE, WMD
2012DEC05 Past Events “The Arab Spring and Korean Experiences of Political Transition” Conference in Cairo co-hosted by Asan and the American University in Cairo. Tags : American University in Cairo, Arab Spring, democracy
2012NOV25 Publications The Second Middle East Boom and the Search for South Korea’s Middle East … By Jang Ji-Hyang Proceedings book examining the rapidly growing economic ties between South Korea and the Middle East. Tags : Regional Issue
2012OCT22 Past Events Ahmed El-Naggar, “The Post-Arab Spring Economic Outlook in Egypt” Roundtable with Ahmed El-Sayyed El-Naggar, Senior Researcher, Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies (Egypt). Tags : Ahmed El-Sayed El-Naggar, Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, Arab Spring, economy, Egypt
2012OCT22 Issue Briefs [Issue Brief No. 31] Ten Foreign Policy Issues for the Next South Korean Administration By Troy Stangarone While there has been little debate on foreign policy to […] Tags : alliance, China, cooperation, Economic Policy, foreign policy, Japan, Middle East, trade, US
2012OCT07 Past Events Asan Middle East Dialogue 2012: Turkey Meetings, roundtables, conferences, and presentations in Turkey Tags : Asan Middle East Dialogue, Turkey
2012AUG09 Past Events The Economics Relations among ROK, China and DPRK and their Effect on … The Asan Institute for Policy Studies held a conference […] Tags : 20th Anniversary, China, Chinese economy, DPRK, economic relations, Korean Peninsula, Northeast Asian security, ROK, ROK-China relations
2012JUL19 Asan in the News [DongA Ilbo] Skyscrapers of the Middle East Press coverage of the Asan Middle East Dialogue to Qatar. Tags : Qatar
2012JUL16 Past Events Asan Middle East Dialogue 2012: Qatar and Israel Meetings, roundtables, conferences, and presentations in Qatar and Israel. Tags : Asan Middle East Dialogue, Israel, Qatar
2012JUL11 Past Events Guy Sorman, "European Union and Eurozone Crisis" On Thursday, July 12, the Asan Institute for Policy Stu […] Tags : Asan special lecture, crisis, economy, EU, Eurozone, financial crisis, Guy Sorman